Online sample websites

just in case you need it. When you're a designer, not one pixel on your personal website should go unused. Verena Michelitsch's portfolio, shown above, is covered end to end in artwork. From her extensive library of work, she chose to exhibit multiple colors, styles, and dimensions so visitors can see just how much range she has as a designer.

It's a perfect example of the classic adage, "show, don't tell. Cruze is a copywriter. But by turning his website into a portfolio featuring images from different campaigns he's worked on, he makes visitors want to keep clicking to learn more about him.

Also, there's a great CTA at the top of the page that leads visitors to his latest blog post. His site's humorous copy — specifically in the "17 Random Things" and "Oh Yes, They're Talking" sections — serves to show off his skills, while making himself more memorable as well.

These pages also include his contact information on the right-hand side, making it easy to reach out and connect at any point:. Daveid's website is a great example of "less is more.

This developer's portfolio features clear, well-branded imagery of campaigns and apps that Daveid worked on, and she shows off her coding skills when you click through to see the specifics of her work. While it might seem overly minimal to only include just a few examples of her work, Daveid did her portfolio a service by including her best, most noteworthy campaigns.

At the end of the day, it's better to have fewer examples of excellence in your portfolio than many examples of mediocrity. Christopher Lee's portfolio is busy and colorful in a way that works. When you read more about Lee on his easily navigable site, you realize that such a fun and vibrant homepage is perfect for an illustrator and toy designer.

Known by his brand name, "The Beast Is Back," Lee's web portfolio highlights eye-catching designs with recognizable brands, such as Target and Mario, along with links to purchase his work. This is another gallery-style portfolio with pops of color that make it fun and give it personality, thus making it more memorable.

This freelance videographer is another example of a simple but sleek portfolio, allowing his potential clients to browse deeper into his "Work" and "Stills" sections. The opening video on the homepage — as shown on the still image above — also ensures his site visitors know that he's actively creating beautiful work.

Martine Myrup was also in our list of best resume websites, but her portfolio is worth a mention, too. With its muted colors and creative use of typography, it immediately conveys her artistic vision and aesthetic.

The page also includes a sticky bright green button prompting you to check out her CV. As you scroll down the page, you can see a preview of her work and click on the one that most interests you, then get in contact with her using the email at the bottom. Davide Perozzi uses his website to showcase his strong design skills and creative typography, as well as his previous work.

When you hover over each item in his portfolio, an image preview pops up, giving you the opportunity to check out more. The website uses scrolling effects and bold text to keep viewers engaged.

Consistently publishing on a blog is a great way to attract attention on social media and search engines — and drive traffic to your site.

Blogging is a smart way to give your work a personality, chronicle your experiences, and stretch your writing muscles. You might write a personal blog if you're a writer by trade, but virtually anyone can benefit from adding a blog to their site and providing useful content for their audience.

This blog looks a bit busier, but its consistent branding helps visitors easily navigate the site. The travel blog uses globe iconography to move visitors around the site, making it easy to explore sections beyond the blog.

Owned by writer Geraldine DeRuiter, this blog also features a "Best Of" section that allows new visitors to learn about what the blog covers to get acclimated.

The color scheme is warm, neutral, and free of excess clutter that could distract from the content. Side Hustle Nation is the business blog of Nick Loper, an advisor whose website offers tons of valuable financial advice for individual business owners. His homepage, shown above, sets a lighthearted yet passionate tone for his readers.

It suggests you'll get friendly content all committed to a single goal: financial freedom. The green call to action, "Start Here," helps first-time visitors know exactly how to navigate his website.

On Nick's blog page, you'll see content that shows readers how Nick, himself, creates content that helps his business grow. These content types give people a peek behind the curtain of your operation, showing them you practice what you preach and that your insight is tried and true.

The website fifty coffees chronicles the author's series of coffee meetings in search of her next job opportunity, and it does a great job of using photography and visuals to assist in the telling of her lengthy stories.

The best part? Each post ends with numbered takeaways from her meetings for ease of reading comprehension. The high-quality photography used to complement the stories is like icing on the cake. I'm not highlighting Dana's food blog just because the food looks delicious and I'm hungry.

Her blog uses a simple white background to let her food photography pop, unique branding to make her memorable, and mini-bio to personalize her website. Money Mustache might take on an old-school, Gangs of New York-style facade, but his blog design — and the advice the blog offers — couldn't be more fresh he also doesn't really look like that.

This financial blog is a funny, browsable website that offers sound insight into money management for the layperson. While his personal stories help support the legitimacy of his advice, the navigation links surrounding his logo make it easy to jump right into his content without any prior context around his brand.

When you arrive at the site, you can immediately jump in to the blog post that draws your attention the most, or explore by destination.

Leveraging your audience size will help you look more authoritative and establish your site as a go-to. At the bottom is an eye-catching graphic prompting viewers to subscribe. This blog combines engaging visual design with user-friendliness.

Since Japanese is written vertically, the home page includes a series of vertical cards, each for a different blog post.

You can then click on each card to expand a specific post. The writer divides his musings into three categories: Make, Think, and Jumble. He discusses his personal life at home as well as his life at work, epitomizing what a personal blog should contain.

Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with exceptional user design. The bloggers, Nick and Hannah, introduce themselves on the welcome screen. Users then have the option of choosing a specific destination to read about or finding a specific topic using the menu up top.

Daniel See uses the blog section of his website to share his thoughts on design. As a designer, he uses his subject-matter expertise to write blog posts about creative processes. Another cool way to promote yourself and your skills is to create a personal website that doubles as a demonstration of your coding, design, illustration, or developer skills.

These sites can be interactive and animated in a way that provides information about you and also shows hiring managers why they should work with you. This is a great website option for technical and artistic content creators such as developers, animators, UX designers, website content managers, and illustrators.

Tonnina is showcasing advanced and complicated web development skills, but the images and storytelling methods he uses are simple and easy to understand.

In the process, you get a demo of the depth of his animation and coding experience. Leonardi's incredible demo website uses animation and web development skills to turn his portfolio and resume into a video game for site visitors. The whimsical branding and unique way of sharing information ensure that his site is memorable to visitors.

Reed uses his page as a start-to-finish demo of how to code a website. His website starts as a blank white page and ends as a fully interactive site that visitors can watch him code themselves. The cool factor makes this website memorable, and it makes his skills extremely marketable.

It's the perfect balance of a demo and a mini-portfolio. Plus, we love the video he includes as the background, as well as the parallax effects that activate as you scroll down the page.

Enric Moreu showcases his 3D design skills by creating an interactive 3D resume. If you love experiencing nostalgia, this demo website will reel you in. You can also share directly from your blog to your social media platforms and accounts. Real-life blog website example:.

Estie Kessler uses her home blog, Abode by Estie , to turn her passion for lifestyle writing into a highly profitable business. Within her posts about interior design, travel and style, she shares affiliate links to her favorite home goods store and sells packages to readers who want to work with her design firm.

Start a blog with one of these blog website templates. An online portfolio website typically include images, videos or clips that show off your best work. A portfolio website also allows you to establish your own personal branding, giving visitors a glimpse into your personality, interests and values.

Real-life portfolio website examples:. Graphical artist Lu Xinyao uses his portfolio to display his hand-drawn pictures, digital art and animations.

His site shows the breadth of his artistic style, from Chinese ink to landscape illustrations. An event website enables you to generate buzz leading up to an in-person or online event as part of offline or digital marketing efforts. High-performing event websites include all the information that your attendees need to know, such as speakers, agenda, date, time and location.

Real-life event website example:. The Creative Retail Awards website allows users to easily submit award entries. A countdown clock helps to build urgency as the entry deadline nears. The site also includes an overview of the event and a description of each award. Use one of these event website templates to start collecting RVSPs today.

Whereas a portfolio website is useful for showcasing your work, a personal website is a space where you can truly be yourself.

Build one to share your accomplishments, explore your interests or develop your personal brand. What you include on your personal website and web pages depends on your goals.

Real-life personal website example:. Laura Baross , a visual artist in New York City, uses her personal website to share her enthusiasm for sustainable living and zero-waste design. Her site includes a blog featuring self-portraits, a sampling of her past projects and a photography gallery.

These personal website templates will help you share your interests with the world. Membership websites are an excellent choice for businesses aiming to convert their users into loyal customers. With this website format, you can provide exclusive content and value-added resources within a password-protected section.

Once a member logs in, they can access special features like premium services, online classes or members-only events. HERoines is a membership site dedicated to helping women cultivate fundamental life skills in a safe space. Members get discounts for HERoine events, an invite to a private annual event and access to virtual challenges.

Learn how to create a membership site , then choose a membership site template that fits your needs. Nonprofit websites let you share your organization's mission, vision and core values so you can activate people around your cause. For example, church websites can help you reach new and existing congregation members, while animal rescue websites can attract donors who can further your mission.

Real-life nonprofit and NGO website examples:. LiteracyNYC aims to create a world where every child knows the power and joy of reading. Mammoth March , a nonprofit that hosts organized hiking events, uses its website to share its mission of helping people unplug and get out of their comfort zones through long-distance hiking challenges.

The site provides event details and signup instructions. Uncover tips on how to create a nonprofit website with a website builder, and get inspiration from these beautiful nonprofit website templates.

Informational websites are valuable resources for people looking to learn more about a specific topic, service or product. With a focus on delivering in-depth information, these websites offer long-form content that addresses readers' most pressing questions.

An informational website can also establish you or your organization as an expert in your area of interest via mass communication and knowledge sharing.

Real-life informational website example:. The Wix Encyclopedia is simlar to a web directory and it offers users a comprehensive dictionary of terms used in business, marketing and web design.

Try out these news and magazine website templates to build your informational website. Online forums bring people together to discuss and exchange information around shared topics, such as technology or fitness. Forums usually include multiple discussion threads organized by topic, making it easier for users to find the subject they want to weigh in on.

Real-life business online forum example:. BE RADICAL strives to empower its members to be the very best version of themselves. With a community website, you can build trust and engagement with people who share a common cause.

Real-life community website examples:. Generation She focuses on creating a community of exceptional female talent that can build and lead the next generation of billion-dollar companies. Its online community offers access to career opportunities, events and mentorship. These community website templates will come in handy as you learn how to build an online community.

There are few things as invigorating as starting your own business. Creating a startup website can enable you to share that energy and introduce your game-changing idea to the world.

Startup websites may include landing pages, product demos and reviews. At first they might also include a crowdfunding page, or other funding resources.

Real-life startup website example:. Ception offers construction and mining companies an AI-powered solution to increase the safety, productivity and sustainability of mobile-machinery operations. Mananalu captures attention with an enticing proposition: for every aluminum bottle package purchased, the company partners with a nonprofit to offset significant amounts of plastic waste.

Learn more: How to make a construction website. Do you have a unique expertise you think others could benefit from? A consulting website will help you monetize it. Your website should include a list of services offered, details about your background and an explanation of who would benefit from your services.

Real-life consulting website example:. Mikaela Reuben is a culinary nutrition consultant who offers meal plans, recipes and private chef bookings. Her website includes photos, videos, testimonials and a free recipe ebook that can help her capture potential leads.

See other examples of consulting websites and use these consulting website templates to build your own. Learn how to make a consulting website. A booking website helps you get right down to business.

It allows users to sign up for classes, accommodations or services online. Booking websites let customers choose their preferred date, time and cost. They also include recommendations, reviews and contact information. Real-life booking website example:. Nutritionist Diana Javanovic uses her booking website, Nutri Me , to make it simple for clients to register for an initial consultation, follow-up visits, day detox diets and more.

This booking website template lets you add your services, reviews and contact information in a jiff. If you want to be a change-maker, a petition website can help you advocate for a cause that you hold most dear.

You can use an online petition to drum up support for a political position, social justice cause or environmental issue. Real-life petition website example:.

Through strategic features—such as an informative FAQ page, a compelling media section and a meticulously organized homepage—the site actively encourages visitors to sign its petition.

School websites can also offer online teaching and information about businesses that teach things like music or foreign languages.

An ideal school website design will serve as an online database for students, parents and faculty. You can also incorporate educational technology and provide online lessons or assignments for students.

Real-life school website example:. French Mornings offers engaging and authentic content to help people boost their confidence when speaking French. The bilingual website offers how-to videos, free ebooks and paid step-by-step courses.

Très bien! These school website templates let you add courses and resources for parents and students easily.

Do you love gardening, reading or arts and crafts? A hobby website can help you share your unique interests with like-minded people. Hobby websites often include online forums, learning materials and tutorials that introduce people to a particular pursuit and offer tips for how to improve their skills.

A popular hobby website can even turn a profit. Real-life hobby website example:. Liv White turned her passion for award-winning design into Dopple Press , a business dedicated to eco-friendly screen printing. Use this hobby website template to share your favorite activity with others.

Interactive websites use elements like graphics, games and quizzes to make users an active part of the web browsing experience. Some of the newest versions include augmented reality features.

For example, some eCommerce shops now provide tools for seeing what furniture would look like in your home. Real-life interactive website example:. Process is an interactive web experience that artist Nedavius built to showcase and support aspiring creatives. Get inspired by this highly visual interactive website template.

Entertainment websites are among the most highly visual and interactive types of websites, designed to evoke emotion and deliver high-quality digital experiences. Real-life entertainment website examples:. Creating a wedding website helps your special day into an unforgettable experience.

Use it to share information with your guests, offer details about the festivities and post your registry. You can also include videos, photos and stories about your relationship and bridal party. Real-life wedding website example:.

Lexi and Robert use their wedding website to share their story, offer details for guests and make it simple for guests to RSVP.

Spread the word about your nuptials with these wedding website templates. A travel website helps vacationers plan their dream trips.

Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples

From shoe stores to snack shops, browse Shopify store examples and get inspired to get online. A collage of nine different websites that have Shopify online 1. Airbnb. Airbnb is a popular short-term vacation rental company with hosts and properties all over the world. Airbnb's homepage immediately These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design: Online sample websites

When you click through, the phone websitew into a computer. Real-life Onlind website websiges. These Online sample websites can be Sample subscription boxes and Online sample websites in a way that provides information about you and also shows hiring managers why they should work with you. We're committed to your privacy. Wedding website. Rullus offers high-quality wallets and lightweight cases for iPhones, with this modern ecommerce website design. This is yet another small business web design that shows how far originality can go in differentiating your brand from the rest. Examples include real estate listings, job directories or local directories. Walmart Walmart is a multinational retailer that operates a chain of hypermarkets. Why is a website important for a small business? This vibrant website embodies the spirit and mission behind the Izzy Wheels brand. Here are 10 examples of great salon website design. Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Get some of SITE's Online Store website ideas and see how impressive they are. Get excited by these great Online Store website examples and start yours 25 creative ecommerce website examples · 1. Space Posters · 2. Désplacé Maison · 3. The Dockyard Social · 4. Nalen Ayurveda · 5. L'intendance Hobby websites often include online forums, learning This news and magazine website template lets you build a customized news site in a snap The 25 Best eCommerce Websites · 1. Zulu Longines · 2. Potion · 3. Help Scout · 4. Bite Toothpaste Bits · 5. Black Star Pastry · 6. Zeuss · 7. Make Architects Get ideas and inspiration for creative, copy, and layout with these small business, portfolio, nonprofit, and ecommerce website examples by 15 small business web design examples · 1. The People vs. Coffee · 2. Surftwins Essaouira · 3. Bones Co. · 4. RISE Athlete · 5. Standard Bots Online sample websites
These sites often use games, videos and other kid-friendly features to educate their visitors. From the websitess palette Online sample websites the Online sample websites sa,ple, all Value meal plans of the Olnine work well Online sample websites and effectively highlight the products. These types of websites to build typically also have a clean, minimal structure and layout so page elements can properly highlight published articles. The brand is clearly aware of color psychology — a black, white, and grey color palette is often used by tech companies to emphasize balance and precision. Zyro — the easiest way to build a website. When you click through, the phone changes into a computer. One standout feature is the triple split-screen with background videos on hover in the hero section, which offers users three different options for exploring the site. Monograph is an example of a communications business that understands the value of creating a landing page that communicates brand values precisely. They also include recommendations, reviews and contact information. January 31, Making this the main interactive element of the homepage of the site puts a subtle expectation on the user to interact with the product itself before journeying through the site. Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Best Portfolio Website Examples · 1. Yasio · 2. Steven Mengin · 3. Theib · 4. Victoire · 5. Integrated Designs Inc · 6. Square Me · 7. MB Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Online sample websites
In the process, you get a demo of dample depth websited his webwites and websotes experience. If you've ever wondered Low-cost dining deals it's Online sample websites to create a simple website that's visually engaging, we're here Online sample websites tell you the answer is a resounding yes. What we like: Ollivere demonstrates its commitment to producing great design without nonsense on its own straightforward yet eye-catching site. I agree to receive marketing communications from Zyro. We have decided to use the parallax scrolling element as our main inspiration for our HITT project this year. The website also uses a zigzag layout to present the concept, with each section utilizing overlapping elements for added dynamism. Plus, you can add all sorts of features and functions to your website with just a few clicks using the Shopify app store. Photography is an art that requires a special stage. This type of web design is becoming the norm for a good reason. Color Psychology: How Strategic Color Choices Enhance Marketing and Brand Impact Dicover how brands use color psychology to enahnce marketing and brand impact. Are the design and structure too messy? We-Go: Modern Typographic Website with Parallax Effects Our next pick for modern website design examples goes to We-Go : an independent creative agency with a website design that showcases its modern approach to creativity. Salt in Our Hair is a travel blog with exceptional user design. Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Twenty Twenty theme · Chartbeat · Bugsnag · Jetpack · Imgix. 5 – Personal Websites (Jane Fonda). Other 24 Great Website Examples for · 1. Stord · 2. The Sea We Breathe · 3. Gins Aux · 4. On · 5. Thompson Stenning · 6. Elementary · 7 Get some of SITE's Online Store website ideas and see how impressive they are. Get excited by these great Online Store website examples and start yours Twenty Twenty theme · Chartbeat · Bugsnag · Jetpack · Imgix. 5 – Personal Websites (Jane Fonda). Other 25 best e-commerce website design examples‍ · 1. Larq · 2. Burrow · 3. Revelry · 4. Skullcandy · 5. Solo stove · 6. Bliss · 7. The Mountain · 8. Apple Want to create a website for your small business? Here are 20 top small business website examples in 1. La Petite Alice 2. Movement LAB Online sample websites
This websiges evokes Product Sample Rewards vast feeling of the local landscape — which is especially effective for a real Onlinee firm Online sample websites in selling Online sample websites lots. On,ine down the page, he includes his experience Onlinee a wbsites Online sample websites cards for each of his employers. Get started free. The Standard Bots site explored above uses high-quality photos to sell their product, and you can do the same to market a service. Thank you! Because Kobu's homepage features massive, thick text introducing the brand name across the header, it's reminiscent of a magazine cover. This is such a new area of marketing, and this design feels very of the moment, making it a solid design for their services. Business ideas Design eCommerce blog Inspiration Marketing Small business heroes Small business tips Web essentials Zyro insights Zyro news. Personalised ads. In modern web design, typography is super important because it helps websites look unique and get their message across in the best way. Leveraging your audience size will help you look more authoritative and establish your site as a go-to. Creating a startup website can enable you to share that energy and introduce your game-changing idea to the world. WIRED WIRED is an American magazine focused on the impact of emerging technology. Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Want to create a website for your small business? Here are 20 top small business website examples in 1. La Petite Alice 2. Movement LAB The 25 Best eCommerce Websites · 1. Zulu Longines · 2. Potion · 3. Help Scout · 4. Bite Toothpaste Bits · 5. Black Star Pastry · 6. Zeuss · 7. Make Architects These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design Hobby websites often include online forums, learning This news and magazine website template lets you build a customized news site in a snap Get some of SITE's Online Store website ideas and see how impressive they are. Get excited by these great Online Store website examples and start yours 25 creative ecommerce website examples · 1. Space Posters · 2. Désplacé Maison · 3. The Dockyard Social · 4. Nalen Ayurveda · 5. L'intendance Online sample websites
Webbsites ecommerce website examples are sure Cheapest grocery offers Online sample websites you to Online sample websites and build aample great. Websitex like with the web design examples shown Ohline, it can Online sample websites seen as an additional layer of creativity. Also, there's a great CTA at the top of the page that leads visitors to his latest blog post. Artists are not the only ones who can optimize their online presence by allowing customers to book their services online. Overlapping elements add an extra layer of visual interest, providing a unique and engaging browsing experience. A retail websites navigation, product pages, and collection pages are the absolute most critical parts to get right. Davide Perozzi uses his website to showcase his strong design skills and creative typography, as well as his previous work. Real-life school website example:. Making life easier for browsers, Rubin implements a search bar on her website header making it easy to search for your favorite nutritional tips and recipes. There are also magazines or news types of websites to build for your next project. The website has modern interactive 3D elements and smooth scrolling UI animation. The People vs. Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples Get some of SITE's Online Store website ideas and see how impressive they are. Get excited by these great Online Store website examples and start yours Hobby websites often include online forums, learning This news and magazine website template lets you build a customized news site in a snap 25 best e-commerce website design examples‍ · 1. Larq · 2. Burrow · 3. Revelry · 4. Skullcandy · 5. Solo stove · 6. Bliss · 7. The Mountain · 8. Apple 20 Simple Website Examples That Prove Anything is Possible · 1. Mina · 2. Tim Brack · 3. Bedow · 4. ETQ Amsterdam · 5. Lars Tornøe · 6. AIAIAI 24 Great Website Examples for · 1. Stord · 2. The Sea We Breathe · 3. Gins Aux · 4. On · 5. Thompson Stenning · 6. Elementary · 7 15 best Wix website examples · Wendy Ju · Animal Music · Izzy Wheels · Mane · Mananalu · Kunstrukt · Sonja van Duelmen · Sharon Radisch. Mikaela Online sample websites

Online sample websites - 15 small business web design examples · 1. The People vs. Coffee · 2. Surftwins Essaouira · 3. Bones Co. · 4. RISE Athlete · 5. Standard Bots Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples

Download your essential guide to building a modern, professional website with Zyro. I agree to receive marketing communications from Zyro. Unsubscribe at any time. Share on. Written by. Damien is a self-professed, semi-obsessed word-freak that wants nothing more than to tell small-business stories in a big way.

Always scouring the market to find the right tools for the job, he is focused on finding creative ways to bring them to the people. When not writing, Damien is known to be a massive music bore, amateur radio enthusiast, and woodland wanderer.

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Zyro blog Inspiration. February 23, By Damien. Mina Mina is a bright eCommerce website template from Zyro that allows you to create your own online store in minutes.

Zyro — the easiest way to build a website TRY FOR FREE. Written by Damien Damien is a self-professed, semi-obsessed word-freak that wants nothing more than to tell small-business stories in a big way. Join the conversation Your email address will not be published.

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Accept cookies. Personalised ads. Just like their bikes, this ecommerce design has motion. In addition, the product photography captures not only the toughness of these bikes but also the sleek sophistication in being equipped with electric motors.

Often ecommerce websites may be a long scroll through static content. UDX bikes shows how animation, and other dynamic ornamentation can really bring a design to life.

Friendsday offers fashion with lively patterns made from sustainable organic cotton materials. There's an earthiness to all of their clothing designs, but with a high fashion sensibility making this outerwear for the only most sophisticated of nature lovers. This connection to the outside world represents so much who they are.

This ecommerce website transcends just being blocks of product offerings, but gives us a good sense into who the people are behind the company. Avocado toast. And Milkshakes. But along with enticing us with their delectable food and drinks, they also have a solid ecommerce store dedicated to coffee beans, t-shirts, and even a way to donate a meal to someone in need.

Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow. How many of us get stuck in the same boring routines? And that ramen place we eat at almost every friday.

Mystery comes through with an app to break through this monotony, and generate customized new adventures for people to experience in their cities. Roots Catering offers a variety of tasty vegan dishes, with meal delivery, as well as take away in ordering their plant based foods.

With organic textures, drop shadows, and plenty of veggie goodness, this design shows how subtle design choices can transform a digital space into something that feels real.

Offering a variety of cooking classes, Sobremesa not only teaches how to cook, but offers a social experience in connecting with other gourmands. Background videos are an iffy design element.

But here, these moving visuals work so well in complimenting the content. The hero video opens with a woman putting on an apron, which is such a good metaphor for landing on this website, and getting prepared to sign up for one of their classes.

Promoting a book may take many different avenues, with having a website being just one route that people may use to find it.

The Nuff is a book about a unicorn and her journey of self esteem. The design has a child-like feel, with purples, blue, and playful typography. But all of these elements show an intelligence. Along with this fun design is plenty of content that will help parents make the decision to purchase this book for their child.

The sneak peak section offers a glimpse into this tale, with an animated opening of the book letting one leaf through the pages. This is such a nice little detail, showing how web designers can go beyond standard practices in creating something extra that adds to the user experience. This homepage does a fantastic job in not dumbing down their design, with an aesthetic that captures the intelligence and spirit of the Unicorn hero of its story.

Are you looking for competition level radio controlled boats? Insane Boats carries a variety of fast models, as well as parts and other accessories. This color scheme works perfectly.

Insane Boats shows how matching the energy of a design with that of its products, makes for a strong impression. They carry many different cameras, lenses and accessories. Though they sell many products, their drop down navigation keeps everything in order, with a clear organization of product categories.

All of their products are but a few clicks away. This is a best practice for any big commerce online business. Well planned product categories and their organization is important for a good user experience and improving conversion rates.

RespiTech sells scarves and masks that not only will protect people, but also look good. But RespiTech makes ones that have style. Their web design avoids the sterility of the many medical device websites out there, and is as fashionable as the masks that they sell.

This is proof that good design, no matter the ecommerce platform, matters in keeping people engaged. Feed the Front Line NOLA is a non-profit dedicated to helping out these medical workers in New Orleans. With a colorful design, nice contrasts in typography, and photos of the medical workers they help, this design has a warmth and sense of humanity.

One of the most important aspects of a web design is to connect with its audience on a personal level and Feed the frontline NOLA does this so well. Landing on this page for the online tea seller Standstill Tea.

This cue gives a bit of a pause, letting you take in the lush landscape of tea that lies before you in the hero image. A scroll down brings motion with a parallax animation, raining down the shapes in the top left and opening up the story about this tea company.

These elements could have been distracting, but are used tastefully, adding so much to the design. How fun would it be to have cans of brew at your wedding reception with a design celebrating getting hitched?

Or how about cans with your company logo to give to your friends and clients? Eliqs gives you the tools to create your own custom beer. Provincial Spirits manages to pull off a clean design for a craft brand that avoids all of the cliches we often see in websites of this type.

Instead we get close up photos of people with bottles in hand. We see the timeless design of the labels as well as the textures of the clothing. Their images are relevant to the marketing strategy that they wish to convey, which is essentially what their company can do for their customers. The images are the main highlight of the website.

Combined with the rest of its elements, it created an immersive and stunning experience for viewers. It can take some time for you to find your ideal aesthetic. Keep this acronym in mind: Keep it Simple Stupid K. Key takeaway: Make sure all website copy is to the point! Design principles are key to a visually appealing online store or website.

Color palettes should be similar and complement each other. Consistency is key, so fonts and headings should be the same all throughout. Make sure to keep extra design elements to a minimum since they can make the website design look messy or overwhelming. Your branding is everything!

This ties in with all elements of your website, especially copywriting. All elements of the site must be consistent, appealing, and suitable for the personality your brand is going for. This positions you as an industry leader that users will feel inclined to come back to.

Branding is a key factor to your website since it involves how users view your services and how much it appeals to them. We all start from a clean slate. From there, you need to find the creative and unique edge that will make your brand shine on its own!

Here are some best practices and further info on website design. There are many different types of websites created for different purposes.

Here are examples of 5 most common types of websites:. First and foremost, it needs to be well designed and functional. It should be easy for users to navigate, and all the important information should be easy to find.

The website should be optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are using their phones and tablets to surf the web. Fresh, quality content is also important, as users are likely to click away from a website if they find the information stale or irrelevant.

Powerful websites are also optimized for search engines so that they can be easily found by potential customers. There are many different types of websites, each serving a different purpose. The most popular types of websites tend to have a few things in common. A website is more likely to be attractive if it is easy to navigate, has a clean design, and contains website information that is relevant to the user.

By taking all of these factors into account, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and easy to use. Looking for web development and design inspiration?

These articles should help. Jeff Gapinski is the President of Huemor where he helps plan the long-term strategic growth of the agency. Your email address will not be published.

This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

This website uses Piwik and Clearbit to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages.

LAST UPDATED:. January 31, Read on to know more about what makes them stand out! Protip A retail websites navigation, product pages, and collection pages are the absolute most critical parts to get right. Get Memorable Insights. Sign up to receive actionable web design advice directly in your inbox monthly.

I'd like to receive occasional emails from Huemor. SIGN ME UP! Jeff Gapinski. President of Huemor. What Do You Think? Have feedback?

Maybe some questions? Whatever it is, we'd love to hear from you. No comments found Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published. Website Design Standards We Follow [That You Should Too!

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20 Modern Website Design Examples That Will Blow Your Mind

Online sample websites - 15 small business web design examples · 1. The People vs. Coffee · 2. Surftwins Essaouira · 3. Bones Co. · 4. RISE Athlete · 5. Standard Bots Looking to launch or refresh your personal website? Check out these great examples of personal blogs, portfolios, and resume websites for These ecommerce website design examples will show you how to make an impressive and high-converting online store design The 20 Best Simple Website Examples · 1. Ollivere · 2. Ink · 3. The Shine App · 4. Nate Smith · 5. Cocokind · 6. Motto simple website examples

Plus, the website does a great job of highlighting the founders and their story at the bottom of the home page. Minaal creates innovative luggage for travelers.

Minaal makes good use of social proof by highlighting notable websites that have featured its products. Plus, customers can purchase items from the site in multiple currencies. Modern Market sells a range of digital products and online courses. These include legal forms, Lightroom templates, and online photography classes.

The website design exudes style and positivity, with high-quality photographs and a soft beige color scheme. The menu is simple and includes pictures to help users navigate.

The website also provides a handy search filter. Brosa sells furniture and homeware. This small business website example promotes the luxury brand with an elegant color palette and subtle animated elements. Plus, the menu and search filters make navigation simple.

Ratio Coffee sells high-tech coffee machines from its Shopify store. The brand is clearly aware of color psychology — a black, white, and grey color palette is often used by tech companies to emphasize balance and precision.

I Love Mole sells tasty food products often used in Mexican cuisine. It also represents the vibrance of its products with striking orange and yellow accents. Press London sells cold-pressed juices, groceries, and detox packages.

The top bar includes three top-level categories with detailed drop-down menus to help users navigate the site. To help maintain its minimal style, the site uses icons for essential links, such as the shopping cart and search icons.

Tattly sells temporary tattoos created by a team of artists. The website features fantastic product images. Pop Chart sells unique and creative posters. The navigation menu is very different from most websites and showcases their edgy brand.

This small business website example makes great use of bold fonts and colors. Dog produces and sells innovative and stylish products for cats and dogs.

This small business website design example has a sleek, futuristic design paired with bold, colorful product images. It also features brilliant copywriting that exudes its brand voice. Silk and Willow is a wedding decor boutique that creates sustainable and environmentally-friendly products. Also, the site creates a rustic feel by using serif and typewriter fonts.

Thirty years ago, a lot of people used physical directories, like the Yellow Pages, to find businesses. However, these days, people use search engines. And, with 4. But in reality, this is a quick way to fall behind the competition. In short, the importance of a small business website cannot be overstated.

Custom website fees depend largely on the features your business needs. For example, most web designers charge more for adding features to sell online. Shopify provides everything a business needs to sell online and in person. This includes small business website essentials such as site customization, search engine optimization, and payment processing.

Want to know the best part? Shopify provides plenty of small business website templates that anyone can customize — no coding skills required. Plus, you can add all sorts of features and functions to your website with just a few clicks using the Shopify app store.

Want to collect email addresses to build a mailing list? No problem. Want to add upsells to your checkout process? In short, you can use Shopify to build a website that looks great and helps you grow your business.

To get started, check out this guide on How to Start an Online Store with Shopify in less Than 30 Minutes Flat. Here are some of the key takeaways from these small business website examples featured in this article:.

Do you have any questions about small business website best practices? Let us know in the comments below! A content strategy is your roadmap to content marketing success. Learn how to create one that consistently drives traff….

Dicover how brands use color psychology to enahnce marketing and brand impact. Learn how to find an idea, source your products, develop your brand, manage your money, and everything in between with ….

Oberlo uses cookies to provide necessary site functionality and improve your experience. The entire website only uses black and white for its text, images, and elements but the way it is all integrated into the design does not look boring or dull at all.

The animations are the highlight of its overall design. There is a drawn figure at the top of the website that leads the user as they scroll through the page, continuously transforming into different shapes and images with each section.

This subtle animation enhances interactivity and makes the website fun to navigate despite the lack of color. The design of the website is a great match for their brand, specifically their products.

The images and graphics are aesthetically pleasing. We enjoyed the fun graphics and big fonts. Overall, the website looks happy and inviting, which could make it seem appealing to potential customers.

The website displays a good use of space and font. Images and product offerings take up the majority of the page, complemented by large graphic text. Everything is detailed by neutral tones and outlines, which adds a simple but eye-catching touch to its design. The only downside would be how the drag cursor appears with the size selectors.

Aside from that, the website stands as a solid example. Users are greeted with various animations as they scroll through the homepage. The design is bright and fun, with a pretty color palette composed of light greens, pinks, and yellows.

It radiates a natural vibe that is perfectly suitable for their brand. Their selection of items is sustainable and easy to sort through. The website is very easy to use and offers an enjoyable experience for viewers which is why we included it on our best website designs to inspire list.

Interactive websites have become increasingly popular since the pandemic began, as many of us have been staying at home due to local health guidelines.

Being immersed in virtual experiences like this website has become an effective way for users to bring their in-person activities online. Aside from this website, there are many 3D artists creating similar content online, which often result in a unique experience each time.

Horizontal Scroll has been on the rise recently. This is our first time seeing a website use horizontal scroll throughout all of its pages. Using this new design trend was a bold move but it turned out well. It was executed beautifully across this WordPress website, filled with subtle moving animations.

We enjoyed this website so much that it actually inspired us to create our own take on it! We have decided to use the parallax scrolling element as our main inspiration for our HITT project this year.

This style is becoming increasingly popular among different brands and companies. The animations are carried out throughout the entire website, strategically incorporated to emphasize the design blog by Ideo it represents.

The positioning of the images and other effects creates an enticing experience for viewers, keeping them captivated and immersed as they browse the site. The design for this website is incredibly timely and modern.

The elements of the design work with their geometric-shaped logo, creating visually appealing combinations for all viewers. The layout of the site clearly displays brand awareness and encourages users to learn more about their company by going through their website.

Its design and structure is cutting-edge and highly interactive to the last detail, including their custom cursor. The website pairs beautiful imagery with smooth animation.

This is another great example of a website that incorporates good content marketing and storytelling into the structure of its pages. Their images are relevant to the marketing strategy that they wish to convey, which is essentially what their company can do for their customers.

The images are the main highlight of the website. Combined with the rest of its elements, it created an immersive and stunning experience for viewers. It can take some time for you to find your ideal aesthetic. Keep this acronym in mind: Keep it Simple Stupid K.

Key takeaway: Make sure all website copy is to the point! Design principles are key to a visually appealing online store or website. Color palettes should be similar and complement each other.

Consistency is key, so fonts and headings should be the same all throughout. Make sure to keep extra design elements to a minimum since they can make the website design look messy or overwhelming. Your branding is everything!

This ties in with all elements of your website, especially copywriting. All elements of the site must be consistent, appealing, and suitable for the personality your brand is going for. This positions you as an industry leader that users will feel inclined to come back to.

Branding is a key factor to your website since it involves how users view your services and how much it appeals to them.

We all start from a clean slate. From there, you need to find the creative and unique edge that will make your brand shine on its own! Here are some best practices and further info on website design. There are many different types of websites created for different purposes.

Here are examples of 5 most common types of websites:. First and foremost, it needs to be well designed and functional. It should be easy for users to navigate, and all the important information should be easy to find.

The website should be optimized for mobile devices, as more and more people are using their phones and tablets to surf the web. Fresh, quality content is also important, as users are likely to click away from a website if they find the information stale or irrelevant.

Powerful websites are also optimized for search engines so that they can be easily found by potential customers. There are many different types of websites, each serving a different purpose.

The most popular types of websites tend to have a few things in common. A website is more likely to be attractive if it is easy to navigate, has a clean design, and contains website information that is relevant to the user.

By taking all of these factors into account, you can create a website that is both visually appealing and easy to use. Looking for web development and design inspiration?

These articles should help. Jeff Gapinski is the President of Huemor where he helps plan the long-term strategic growth of the agency. Your email address will not be published. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible.

Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful.

This website uses Piwik and Clearbit to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages. LAST UPDATED:. January 31, Read on to know more about what makes them stand out!

Protip A retail websites navigation, product pages, and collection pages are the absolute most critical parts to get right.

Get Memorable Insights. Sign up to receive actionable web design advice directly in your inbox monthly. I'd like to receive occasional emails from Huemor. SIGN ME UP!

This bio-architecture inspired Online sample websites lab is Online sample websites sammple Online sample websites of how to take a Wix template samp,e make wsbsites completely yours. Cheap grocery prices overlay menu saample floats down and reveals the address, hours of operation, and phone number. Design 10 stunning web portfolio examples by. Dribbble : search for web design examples or interaction design. They also include a 'cart storage' option: users are told that their information is stored for up to 72 hours so they can complete their checkout later.


Why is THIS the PERFECT Landing Page?

By Teramar

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